Monday, January 7, 2013

Was Benghazi a Hostage Taking Gone Wrong?

by Kevin DuJan / Hill Buzz

Kevin Dulan accuses the Obama administration of deliberately attempting to stage a hostage-taking in Benghazi as part of a manufactured “October Surprise” that Obama intended to make himself look great on the foreign stage in the lead up to the election.  The plan — if you were paying attention — was set in motion at the Democrats’ convention in Charlotte in early September when repeated mentions of Obama as a “foreign policy president” were made.  This was timed to lead up to September 11th…when deliberately lowered security at the Benghazi consulate (and OTHER consulates and embassies in the Mideast) was supposed to encourage Muslims to take Americans hostage like they did in 1979.  Only, Obama’s plan was to negotiate their quick released by trading the “Blind Sheik” from the 1993 World Trade Center bombings for any Americans taken hostage on 9/11/2012.
The plan was to make Obama look like “a badass” and a to have him revel in this through October and into the November election.  In fact, the hostages were probably planned for release not long before the Foreign Policy Debate (the last of the three presidential debates this year) in Boca Raton, Florida.  This was supposed to show Obama standing up to Muslims, negotiating “peace”, and proving to the world what an effective and strong leader he was.
Only…it blew up in his face and the administration has been in overdrive trying to cover this stuff up ever since.

The only way any of this makes any sense, including the deliberate lowering of security and the disregard of Ambassador Chris Steven’s multiple pleas for help on the ground in Libya in the weeks prior to his murder, is that Barack Obama WANTED a hostage situation to happen so he could “look presidential by resolving it in October”… but the Muslims in Libya went overboard and killed people instead of just taking them hostage.
This also explains why no effort was made to even look for the Ambassador and others missing from the consulate for many hours:  Obama’s gang just assumed he was taken hostage as planned and were STUNNED to learn the ambassador was murdered.

Why else would Obama go to sleep so casually at 3am that night if he didn’t think things were just going according to plan…but when he woke up at 11am the next day he found that all Hell broke loose instead.

And then the coverup began.

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Hill Buzz