Sharpton Way Behind on Washington, D.C. Rent Faces Eviction
The new, improved Reverend Al Sharpton has been establishing a
Washington, D.C. presence ever since President Obama took office nearly
four years ago. But apparently, the New York City-based minister,
politician and media personality hasn't evolved from his attitude about
the need to pay bills on time. Last week the Washington Post reported
that Sharpton's nonprofit vehicle, National Action Network (NAN), is
seven months behind on its rent for downtown Washington building space
it sublets from the Conference of Minority Transportation Officials, or
COMTO. The overall debt now exceeds $28,000. His top aide, Rachel
Noerdlinger, insists NAN has made good on all past due balances. Yet
given Sharpton's history of leaving creditors out in the cold, COMTO
would do well to be skeptical.
Read More: National Legal Policy Center